Saturday, June 26, 2010

let's PARTY, my fireman!

The day finally arrived! We've been talking about this fireman party for a very long time. We arrived at the station around 9:30 and were greeted by several firefighters that were super friendly and very helpful. Tyler was besides himself wondering around the station. It was nice for him to have the hour before everyone arrived to get comfortable with the firemen and the station. This first picture was taken before all his friends arrived. He just couldn't believe he was sitting in a "real" firetruck.

When all of Tyler's friends and family arrived at the station, the firemen wanted to take everyone for rides. Tyler first rode with Daddy in the front seat and then I was able to ride with him too. He LOVED the ride and when we were together the fireman did a few extra circles because Tyler kept saying "we're not going back to the station?" and kept wanting to do a "real rescue" as he said it. As we got closer to the station, he was even allowed to push the foot siren to activate the loud, but cool sirens. It was quite exciting if I do say so myself!

After everyone settled in, people helped themselves to lunch which included hotdogs, chips, carrots, watermelon, strawberries, and blueberries. It was also a perfect time for the fireman, Doung Hartman, to give a great safety talk to the kids. He explained what their equipment does, what a fireman would look like at the fire, and smoke detectors. It was age-appropriate and just long enough for their attention span. Some of the kids asked great questions-Zach asked "why do you wear that heavy jacket if it's so hot?". And then it was time for the grand finale-red velvet cupcakes. Tyler was adorable and very happy to be the center of attention this time. He was smiling, cheering, and licking the icing. Aunt Willa started a great rendition of Sto Lat and Ty kept throwing his hands in the air. It was so sweet.

Before everyone left, Adam was able to get all the kids outside for a great group shot in front of the firetruck. It was a bit difficult getting everyone to look at the camera but will be a photo we'll always cherish. All the kids got their own firetruck and helmet to take home. Tyler was smiling ear-to-ear and that's a great measure of the party's success. We owe a lot to the Cleona Fire department for all their dedication to helping others and the incredible experience they gave our family.
P.S. Happy 6th Anniversary Babers!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

country meets city

Thanks to cousin Julia's third birthday party, we had the best reason to finally spend some time in the "big city". T-man was talking about the visit for weeks and weeks. The party was a great way to start the mini vacation. Julia and her friends were so sweet and T really enjoyed himself while Matty slept in Julia's crib the entire time. Tuesday morning was an early morning wake-up call from both boys. Tyler's first statement of the day was "Mommy I woke up to the big city. I hear sirens. Can I look outside?" He was sooo excited and ready to start the day.

It was an eventful day with a subway ride starting off the excitement. T was in awe and couldn't believe there were so many tunnels underground and so many people.

First stop: American Museum of Natural History.
Opening time- 10:00am
Arrival time- 9:40am
We were among the first people in the Dinosaur hall and it was everything we could have hoped for. Tyler seemed to be amazed at how big they were and that we were finally seeing them in person. We spent some time in just about every hall and had tickets to some special exhibits including snakes and lizards, race to the end of the Earth, and movie about the stars and our solar system. Matthew was so well behaved the entire time taking small naps in the car seat and baby carrier or otherwise contently hanging out making his own observations. The best way to describe Tyler's reaction was total awe and pure excitement. It was so much fun to experience the museum again through my child's eyes and hear his enthusiasm. The day with the kids ended on such a fun note. We met Zach, Julia, and Aunt Lauren at a Vegan Restaurant and everyone enjoyed their meal. I think the kids especially liked dessert, doughnuts (and Tyler's first one ever!).

After the boys went to bed, Adam and I had the luxury of having an incredible dinner with Pete and Lauren. 11 Madison was a beautiful space, everyone made us feel so comfortable, and the food was exquisite. I ate things I never thought I'd dare try, some of which I can't even remember what it was, but all the food was some of the best I've ever had. Best of all, having dinner with my inspiring brother and sister was the best gift of all. THANK YOU Peter and Lauren for the gift of your love.

When we woke up on Wednesday there was no real plan. After a relaxed morning and packing up all the gear, we took another subway ride for Tyler's final surprise; the biggest toy store "in the whole world" (that's what he kept saying there). FAO was quite the experience and a few hours probably felt like 10 minutes to Tyler.

All in all, it was a great visit. Our little country boys discovered a new found love for the city. I have a feeling they're going to have some fun times visiting their cousins in the years to come.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Boardwalk

A new summer comes new adventures. It was the first boardwalk experience for Matthew and he seemed to really enjoy himself. Most of the time he was happily checking out the sites from his stroller. However, if noise is any indication of fun then Matty was having a great time on the carousel. It was his first ride at the boardwalk and he was giggling the entire time. People kept saying things like "oooh, look at the baby" and "he's adorable" and "I think he likes it". It was so cute!

Tyler decided it was actually time to take some solo rides this year. It was a big step for him and one I met with great excitement (and maybe a tiny, weeny, little bit of nervousness-after all, I am his mom?!). He turned into a pilot, boating captain, and a truck driver all in one night. His smile was priceless and it was obvious he was feeling like the big three-year-old he is.

Tyler even decided he was ready for the roller coaster! This was a moment I've been looking forward to for years. I love, love, love roller coasters but it's something that Adam cannot tolerate. We once went to Six Flags together and after one roller coaster, Adam spent the rest of the afternoon on a bench in the shade and we haven't returned since! So when Ty said he was ready, we bolted to the entrance before he had time to change his mind. It was a small roller coaster but had some surprising speed. To a three-year-old it must have felt liked the biggest, fastest, scariest ride in the world. After the first loop, Ty said "is that it, Mommy?" and with each loop came the same question. At the end of the ride, he seemed relieved to be on steady ground but his hands were clearly shaking a bit. He wanted to take a break on the bench and when Adam asked if he liked it, his reply was "yeah". When asked if he wanted to do it again, his reply was a quick "no". But again it seemed like he was very proud of himself and we were too. I really was amazed it was something he wanted to try and I think our future of riding coasters together is very promising. Tyler even wanted to go on the bigger coaster at the end of the night but he wasn't tall enough. Now he eats his "superfoods" in hopes of growing and be able to ride the big coaster.
All in all, it was a great evening at the boardwalk. We had a beautiful picnic overlooking the ocean and talked of all the fun rides we were all able to do together.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Day at Sesame Place

One of Tyler's birthday gifts was to spend the day at Sesame Place. It was a great way to officially start the summer and enjoy the adventures of the park. It opened at 10:00 and we arrived just after 10. Tyler was so excited and kept saying the whole way "are we there yet?" He had all sorts of plans to talk with Elmo and meet all his friends. He brought his Elmo phone and kept calling him on the drive to the park. It was hilarious. As soon as we walked into the park we were able to go right to "Elmo's World". It was exactly like the TV show but live and in person. Tyler's face was half excitement half awe. He couldn't believe he was watching the "real" Elmo and see his "room". It was actually really fun for me too because it's the one show the two of us watch because it's always on when I first put Matty to sleep and Ty always wants me to "snuggle" with him during the show. The show became a useful tool to keep Ty quiet while I put Matty to sleep and now it's become a part of our day. It was a great way to start our time at Sesame Place.

About half of Sesame Place is a water park. The day was warm enough to want to go into the water. Both Adam and Tyler seemed to really enjoy splashing in the together. Tyler even went down a slide by himself and was very proud he did it all by himself.

One of the neatest parts of Sesame Place is how an exact replica of Sesame Street was created. You could explore Mr. Hooper's General Store, play on the fire truck, and see the steps where they're always singing songs and reading books.

This pyramid was probably one of Tyler's favorite things to do. He discovered it with Adam. It's actually quit high and you try to climb the very top. Tyler almost did it but seemed to like sliding down as much as climbing up the pyramid. After the parade down Sesame Street this was the one thing he wanted to go back and do again.

The four of us were able to take Big Bird's balloon ride together. The "balloon" went high enough in the air to see all of the park. Adam thought it would be fun to spin it around really fast and Tyler surprisingly really enjoyed it. I was holding onto Matthew as he tried to figure out what was happening around him. It was very cute. I love this picture because I can hear Adam and Tyler giggling and having a great time.

By about 3:30, we had some very tired boys on our hands. I had Matthew in the ergo carrier fast asleep and Tyler wanted to be held so we put him in Matty's car seat stroller to leave the park. The image was so funny to me because here is this three-year-old in an infant seat and he was so pooped that he could hardly walk out of the park by himself. It was symbolic of the great time that we all had. I was thrilled we decided to go and hope to some day take Matty there too when he's old enough to enjoy all the fun there is to be had. Off to the beach house! Summer is officially here for the Szajda Family!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Ty!

It started with the three of us greeting you with balloons while singing "Happy Birthday". Your face lit up and were amazed by the balloons. We gave you some presents and you opened them in the crib right away. You were grinning ear to ear and just so excited.
Pancakes were requested, more presents were opened, and we enjoyed the morning before Daddy had to go to school. You and I had some special play time while Matty was napping and before the steady stream of visitors arrived. Aunt Willa and Bea came to play and enjoy a watermelon cookie together. Then Baca and Grammy brought a few gifts and the three of you played and laughed together. And just as we were about to take a nap, Wujek Pawel arrived to spend the entire afternoon with you. Tyler, you were so happy I thought you were going to burst!
The afternoon was filled with lots of play, throwing your new baseball and learning how to use the new glove, hot dogs (your request), and banana split cupcakes. One of my highlights of the day was when I asked you "Tyler, if there is anything you could do what would you want to do in your third year of life?" You paused to think about it for a moment then looked at Wujek Pawel and me with a smile and said "I want to help people". It was probably one of my proudest moments as your Mommy. So much of your personality was summed up in that one comment and I really do know you are going to live a life of helping people in many different ways. Thank you for being you and becoming the beautiful person you are. Wujek Pawel looked at me with a smile and at that moment he also saw your incredible heart too. After enjoying cupcakes and also celebrating Daddy's last school day, it was time for bed and start your life as a three-year-old!

Happy Birthday Tyler! Thanks for another memory!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The eve of T's 3rd birthday

Dearest Tyler, T-Cat, TJ, Buckaroo, HoneyBunny, Sweet Pea, and Buddy,

I'm sitting here waiting for the banana split cupcakes to finish baking and I really can't believe I'm baking dessert for your THIRD birthday. On this night three years ago I never could have imagined just how much my life was about to change. The moment I saw you that beautiful June evening it was love at first sight. It was all-consuming. It was powerful. It was God's work at his finest. You became my connection between Heaven and Earth. Tyler, you also gave me the greatest gift in the world that June evening. I became a Mom, your Mommy. And at that moment I made a deal with God and myself. I will do whatever it is in my power to protect you, keep you safe, and most importantly give you pure unconditional love.

In those first days and weeks, we spent endless moments gazing into your eyes hardly believing our love could produce such a beautiful baby. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the stage we're in today. You are now able to feed yourself, go to the bathroom on the potty, play in the bath, have conversations with us, ask endless series of why questions, "rhyme time", play, show passion, show empathy, pray, and show love. The list goes on and on and on. You LOVE anything with wheels including tractors, cars, trucks, and trains. The past month or so, you have become most interested with rescuing people/animals/family. Helping people is your specialty. Firemen and police officers are quite fascinating to you. We can sit and read together for hours. You love Sesame Street and Curious George. You have already developed a wonderful sense of humor. And, you've turned into an incredible big brother (a joy to watch!). We're getting ready for the start of summer and I can just feel it's going to be a very special one. The four of us are going to have a magical time being together.

If there is one wish I could give you on your third birthday, it's a wish to always, always know you have a Mommy and a Daddy that will forever fully and completely love you. It's simple and it's pure. We loved you yesterday, we love you more today, and we will love you even more tomorrow. Happy Birthday Buddy!!! We love you.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A piece of me

I had one of those special mommy moments after getting Tyler from his nap. First, let me clarify what I mean by nap. T-cat decided to sing his ABC's, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and all sorts of made-up songs loudly for about an hour. He was counting and talking with his crib zoo of stuffed animals and repeatedly said "Mommy, come up here, I'm awake". I finally decided to greet my "sleeping" child. As usual, we had some snuggle time on the chair along with sheep and fuzzy/wuzzy (his current obsession). He was especially snuggly today and giving lots of kisses. At one point I said "you know Tyler, you will always have a piece of my heart with you forever" as I pointed to his heart. He looked at me with the most tender eyes and without missing a beat said "Mommy, you will always have a piece of my heart too" as he put his finger on my heart. With the tears starting to roll down my face, I gave him the biggest possible hug without doing any bodily damage and promised myself to never, ever forget this moment.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The first of hopefully many...

I've decided to jump into the world of blogging. It's something I have been contemplating a lot lately. Many friends and family members have blogs. I enjoy reading them as a way to peek into their lives and make distance feel much less of an obstacle. When I learned about the option of printing your posts into a printed diary of sorts, it really got my wheels turning. So here I am. It may be completely and utterly selfishly motivated but my goal is to put some of these heavenly, motherly moments into writing in hopes of some day going back in time with my boys and rehashing their childhoods. If I'm lucky enough maybe even their teen years, college days, and the rest of life's journey. Godspeed.