Saturday, October 30, 2010

Apple Pie anyone?

There are so many reasons for loving Fall; the beautiful colored leaves, the crisp morning air, pants and sweatshirts, football, and crisp apples. We didn't have much going on today and I really got in the mood to bake an apple pie. As soon as I mentioned my idea two of the three boys jumped right on the band wagon (and I'm sure Matty would if he could talk). Dumper Dan came out to help and did the dumping for the pie crust. I then realized we didn't have enough apples so I made a trip to the farmer's market and got some delicious looking Granny Smiths. It was a longer process than I remember it being in the past, but nonetheless a fun, relaxing one.
The entire family cheered when it was time for dessert. The smell was driving me crazy that I couldn't wait any longer even though it's highly recommended to wait two hours after you pull it out of the oven. I thought waiting an hour was highly impressive!
Even though Matty really had no idea what we were all cheering for, he still gave us his big smile and jumped in on the fun.

Ironically, only Adam and I enjoyed the pie! Tyler was much more excited about his pumpkin full of Halloween candy and Matty wasn't so sure about it. Oh well, more for Adam and I to enjoy! It was delicious and well worth the effort. And it's not Fall unless you bake at least one apple pie!

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