Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ava's Birthday Party

Hard to believe another year has gone by and Ava is now 4! I have very distinct, fond memories of Natalie at my baby shower when she was about 39 weeks pregnant and looking radiant and ready! Amazing what's happened the last four years. The party was at South Hills again and unfortunately it was a bit cold and misty, but everyone had a great time and the rain held out so all the kiddos were out playing and running around.
It's such a nice, friendly group of families we've gotten to know and enjoy at these parties. The Schreier family goes all out to make sure everyone has plenty of food and fun. One of Tyler's highlights was the Princess Castle pinata. He's definitely at that stage and was very excited to participate and run for the candy. I was so impressed with how he handle himself and all the unsafe food. I tried not to make a big deal out of it and stay relaxed and think it really helped him stay relaxed too. He never once made a fuss about not being able to eat the candy or food. I was very proud of him and made a big deal of it when we came home.

All in all, it was a fun afternoon.

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