My Dearest Tyler,
It's hard for me to believe that I'm sitting here once again writing you a letter on the eve of your birthday. As I sit on the couch typing this, I can hear you in your crib singing and making all sorts of funny noises. It cracks me up! This morning at breakfast time I was telling you this is the last day being a 3-year-old. And then I was sort of teasing (sort of real) and in a sad voice said that I couldn't believe you were getting bigger and older. I was saying things like "you're growing up too fast" etc. and you were so sweet and replied "don't worry Mommy, I will always be your little boy and your little baby. Even when I'm older I will always come back and give you lots of hugs and kisses. I will always love you." It was really sweet. I have a feeling I'm really going to enjoy your fourth year. This has been such a fun stage because you are so interested in everything. The world is still so new and interesting to you. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, and whatever we are talking about you always want to know all the details and the meaning of everything. There are moments when it gets a bit exhausting, but I think it's an incredibly good sign of your intelligence and desire to learn as much as you can. You are definitely my "details" boy. Then you inevitably shock me at any given moment by reciting or relating a fact that you've learned in the past and relate it to the present. It's so neat to witness and proof of the sponge you really are. In addition to the typical interest in trains, cars, trucks, and any other mode of transportation your current fascinations are outer space and the weather. It's been nice because we've gotten many books on both subjects and I've relearned so much information myself. You can list all the planets in order and tell me all sorts of facts about each. You seem most fascinated with Jupiter because of the "storm" and want to go to astronaut school some day and have promised to take me to the moon when you go. You're also leaning about the weather and enjoy all the extreme conditions like hurricanes and tornadoes. Unfortunately, you've recently grown increasingly scared of thunderstorms and lightning and get very anxious when there is one. We've been trying some different strategies in keeping you calm and I hope it'll be something you grow out of because we get lots of thunderstorms in Lebanon. I think it'll happen because the last few weeks you've been in situations where you're much more brave than in the past. For example, today you had to give blood for some testing and didn't cry at all. And yesterday we hiked all the way up Governor Dick by yourself and even did the tower. At this time last year, we only got as far as a third of it. So you're making some real progress lately!
You just completed your first year of school at Jack and Jill and completely loved it. I think it's really helped in all different aspects of your development. You seem much more social and are more willing to be out of my sight and play with kids your own age. You are increasingly including your brother in moments of play. It also means that my role changes constantly between mother and referee. Matty, of course, wants to play with almost everything you're playing with and has a much more physical way of playing, but you're learning and becoming more patient with him. We have also had some recent difficult moments and are trying hard to teach appreciation and gratefulness. I've learned that time outs get you upset, but actually taking toys away for awhile seems to send a much stronger message to you. I recently had to pack up 3 large bags of toys because you had a very ungrateful moment. It was probably our hardest morning together, however, I'm glad we went through it together because we both learned a lot from that morning and I love you even more now. It's easy being a buddy and having lots of fun with you. With that said, you deserve much more. On the eve of your birthday, I wish and promise to be the very best Mommy I can be for you. You deserve to learn what no means and have limitations and boundaries. I can guarantee there are going to be more hard moments, but I truly believe this is when we both experience so much growth and become stronger and better because of these moments. I promise to be both your friend and your Mommy because the combination of these will give you the tools to become the most beautiful Tyler you can be. I love the boy you are and am so excited to see the boy you become in the next year. One of my very favorite moments during our days is at nap time and night time after I've put you in the crib and together we both sing "I love you to the moon and beyond forever and ever". You always have the sweetest smile on your face when you say it and it's become our little thing we like to do with each other. Then I shut the door and you scream it again and always want me to respond. You love so passionately and we've created such an incredible bond that will forever be the foundation of our relationship. You make me so proud every day and have truly made my dreams of motherhood come true. Happy Birthday, Buddy! I love you to the moon and beyond forever and ever!
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