Sunday, August 8, 2010

Growing Up at the Boardwalk

It was a beautiful Sunday evening (about 85 degrees and no humidity) and we thought it would be a perfect night to go back to the boardwalk. When Adam got Tyler from his nap, he jumped up and said "boardwalk time". He was so excited and running around the house and kept saying he wanted to do the rides. This seems like a "normal" cycle for us; Ty gets excited, says he's going to do the rides, and then gets there and becomes very tentative and we typically have to spend some time convincing him to ride (unless it involves trucks!).

I'm not quite sure what happened between the first boardwalk visit in June and this visit in August but he definitely grew some confidence (and a sac as Adam coined it!!!). Of course, he wanted to start with his favorite, the trucks that go in a circle. Every time he went by me, he'd honk the horn and wave. He had a big smile on his face the entire time and I could tell he was feeling proud. As soon as he got off the trucks he said he wanted to do the flying elephants. Adam and Tyler were in one elephant and Matty and I were in the elephant in front of them. Matty's eyes were big as he was checking everything out and seemed to really enjoy himself. So did Tyler and as soon as he was done with the elephants he wanted to try the "Dizzy Dinosaurs".

When Ty went on the motorcyle I said to him "do you know who's going to be really proud of you when he hears this?" and he give me a big almost sly grin and quickly said "Uncle Phil" and then even let me take lots of pictures of him. So, that's for you Uncle Dill.
It was the first time he went from ride to ride to ride and all of them were new for Tyler. When it was all said and done, Tyler rode the elephants, dizzy dinosaurs, nemo, motorcyle, and the crazy bus. I couldn't believe it!!! It's like all of sudden he just decided he wanted to do it and do them all. He seemed to geniueinly enjoy each ride, be proud of himself, and then move onto the next one. It was such a different, welcomed experience for us as parents.

The "dizzy dinosaurs" picture cracks me up because I wish I got a picture of Adam when he walked off the ride. Note to self: when Tyler asks for Adam to join him on anything even remotely spinning, bumpy, etc. jump in and volunteer. Poor Adam just doesn't do well with rides. Tyler was grinning from ear to ear and Adam looked like he was about to vomit everywhere. I give him a lot of credit for being a good sport.

If you look closely, you can see little Matty's head/hat on the right side. He enjoyed looking in at the wheels spinning and seemed to enjoy going high. All in all, it was a terrific night. I was a proud, happy mama tonight!

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