I can't believe it's been 9 months already! Matty, you're up to all sorts of fun these days! At the beginning of month 8, you started doing the worm and about 2 weeks into it you learned the proper way to crawl and have become quite good at it. You are now able to pull yourself up onto furniture especially the crib and sometimes even do a little cruising. This skill allows for much more exploring but I'm learning I have to be much, much more vigilant than I ever was with Tyler. You seem to put yourself in some precarious situations and are quite determined to figure out certain things even if it means getting several bruises along the way. Some days I feel so bad for you because it seems like it's bruise after bruise. The big cut along the bridge of your nose is finally starting to heal nicely, so I hope we can avoid more of the same. You are now wearing a size 4 diaper and 12-18 month clothing. We had to take you to the doctor the other day for a mystery high fever and weighed in at 21.14 lbs. You are still nursing about 6 times a day and do it efficiently and easily. It's some of my favorite moments during the day especially when those big eyes look up at me and smile...too cute! You have transitioned to food quite easily. There are times when we use jarred food but usually just put whatever we're eating into the vitamix and blend it up for you. We've recently started putting you at the bar in a booster seat and seem to enjoy that position the most because Tyler is always next to you. We try giving you cheerios but you still haven't master the pincer grip so you get frustrated easily by the lack of cheerios in the mouth. Church has become a bit easier because we feed you a banana or cheerios or something to munch on along with the sippy cup and we've been able to sit through the last 3 masses. You do your babbling and some loud grunting but people mostly smile and think it's adorable (as do I). Overall, we're in a great stage with you. Things are predictable and you give us so many wonderfully big smiles. It always makes my heart melt to hear your big belly laugh and see that double chin when you smile. The smile is filled with three teeth and my guess is the 4th one is trying to peek through (the upper right) the gums. The three of us love you to pieces and it's obvious the love is mutual. Some of my favorite moments are when you literally grab my cheeks with both of your hands and pull me in for a big, wet smooch. And no matter what's happening at the exact moment, when Tyler shows you any sort of love or attention you give him the biggest smile of all and it's in those moments where it feels my heart is going to burst with joy!
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